Introduction to Estate Planning

Estate Planning:

What is it and why do we do it?

You spend your entire life creating wealth. The more wealth you create the more unhappy the people you leave behind will be without the proper estate planning. Estate planning allows you to decide while you are alive how your assets will be distributed. It also allows you to protect your heirs from unanticipated devastating expenses ranging from debts to taxes to administrative fees.

Living Expenses In Retirement

In order to plan realistically for the future you need to have a clear understanding of what money you need when you retire. This will include the cost of living and special activities you will have. It is estimated that you will need to replace 60% to 80% of your pre-retirement earnings in order to keep the standard of living you have had thus far.

Introduction to Financial Planning

Proper Planning

The foundation for investing starts with proper financial planning; setting goals, establishing a budget, gathering financial records and knowing your net worth. The financial planning process starts with gathering information. For the financial planner to do his or her job, that person must know your present financial structure, your goals and risk tolerance. The more knowledge that can be obtained the better the financial planner can do his or her job. It is suggested you print and complete the client questionnaire then fax or mail it to our office.

The Basics Of Retirement Planning

When planning your retirement, it is important to remember that money, more than any other factor, will dictate most of your retirement decisions. Your level of financial preparedness for your retirement years will determine when you retire, what type of lifestyle you and your family will enjoy during retirement, and what might be left as a legacy to your heirs.


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